Keeping Child Care Centers and Homes in Compliance

The Child Care Services Division is the state’s Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) administrator, responsible for the child care subsidy program and quality initiatives. In addition, the Division is also responsible for monitoring and licensing child care centers and homes for compliance with performance standards.


Licensed Child Care Centers


Licensed Child Care Homes


Children Receiving Subsidized Child Care


The Child Care Services Division funds programs through contracts with government and non-profit agencies with the goal of enhancing the quality of child care and learning of young children.
The mission of this program is to provide Alabama’s low and moderate-income families with equal access to affordable and quality child care services as they participate in work, educational or training activities.
Information on licensed and licensed exempt child care providers.
TAS is an electronic process of recording attendance of children at a child care provider.
Training is provided through various methods such as workshops, courses, conferences, on-site, video learning, distance learning and satellite learning.
Early Head Start programs support the comprehensive development of children from birth to age 5, in centers, child care partner locations, and in their own homes.

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