You Can Change a Child's Life Forever
At any given time in the state of Alabama, hundreds of children in foster care are awaiting a loving and caring adoptive home. Many have never felt the warmth and joy that comes from a forever family. Most have been placed in agency custody due to parental neglect or physical abuse. The good news is that the lives of these children can be brightened forever by just one person – you.
By adopting a child, you not only help a child grow up in a loving and caring environment, you share in the vision of a bright, positive future. Adoption not only enriches the life of a child, but enriches yours as well. The Department of Human Resources recruits and prepares families willing to open their hearts and homes to waiting children.

Children Adopted in 2023
Children Available for Adoption
Number of Foster Homes
Special Needs Children
Many of the children awaiting a family have special needs. These are deserving children from a variety of backgrounds and with varying needs. Some may require extra guidance and love for them to realize their full potential. Others may require more dedicated care and attention due to their physical, mental, or emotional issues. Regardless, all of these children need a forever home. Children with special needs may qualify for financial assistance, called adoption subsidy, and Medicaid.
Who Are “Special Needs” Children?
- Any child age five or older.
- Children with a background of parental substance abuse, mental illness or mental retardation that places them at risk.
- Children with various degrees of mental, physical or emotional problems.
- A sibling group of two or more placed at the same time with the same family.
When adopting from the Department of Human Resources, the Department charges no fees for the adoption home study (which includes 30 hours of training) nor for the placement of children. Expenses are generally limited to the costs of criminal history record checks and obtaining medicals on all household family members.